
Here are the main numbers regarding Autovia Padana and the road sections under its management:

Length of the network 105,6 kilometres
Motorway exits 7
Interconnections with other motorways 2 (A1 Milano-Bologna e A4 Torino-Trieste)
Lane width 3,75 metres
Width of overtaking lane 3,75 metres
Width of emergency lane 2,50-3,50 metres
Third lane (Manerbio-Brescia section) 17 kilometres
Bridges, viaducts, flyovers 142
SOS Phones (per carriageway):
  • A21 Piacenza-Cremona-Brescia
  • Ospitaletto-Montichiari motorway link
Weather observation stations 20
Variable Message Signs
  • Access roads
  • On the road
Central reservation 11 metres
Service Areas 6
Lay-bys 152
Parking areas 5
Heavy vehicle parking (with service centre) 1
Operations centres 1
Maintenance centres 5
Centralised Motorway Section Monitoring (MCT) 1